Saturday, 15 April 2017

Parma Violets pick of the week: Toulouse

Music lovers, music  lovers, music lovers.... how art thou?

I've been saving this one just for you. It's Easter, which to me represents the time of giving and a reminder of the ultimate gift. So I have a gift for you in the form of this elusive talent named "Toulouse". I can't seem to find much about this artist except with my innate stalker skills I found out his name is Tolu which leads me to the conclusion that he's probably Nigerian and he's actually behind the scenes more than you realised, having been recently featured on the "Fifty Shades Darker" soundtrack. All I know is that he's a male and he can saang. In some ways I think that's the best approach because then we can focus on his talent and there's alot of it.

  I was originally gonna talk about his song "I Will Follow You" and how the song is ethereal and haunting, beautiful and raw. The song is stripped down to a simple piano melody, wind chimes and the best instrument - his voice.

However I got side-tracked as I so often do by Spotify switching the song to "So I Know You Care". Now this one. This one is just....I'm in love. The beat on that track is complex and intricate however easy to subscribe to. Toulouse starts off in a low kind of growl accomponied with an almost tribal beat, then BAM  0.32 seconds in jazz vibes, horns, trumpets and silence...  then 1 minute in another burst of music, this time an electro-classical fusion creeps round the corner. This song has everything and not in a messy way either, the production of this song was careful, it's precisely constructed and forms musical abstract art. Like I said...I'm in love. So give it a listen!

Toulouse is available to listen to on: Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, and Youtube, Enjoy! :)

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