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Welcome to my blog!

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Welcome to my blog!

Well first of all I'd like to say a very big welcome to my blog. My name is Miriam and I am an aspiring journalist, music enthusiast ( and blogger!!)

....Where to start? I guess you are probably wondering about the name right? Parma violets and sweet tunes.
 Do you remember when you were younger and you and a few friends would ride your bikes or scooters or Pogo sticks in those glorious summer days to the corner shop? The breeze lightly dancing through your hair as you raced on to the shop and purchased a packet of your favourite sweets. The sun's warmth still around and the evening sky still a bright blue although beginning to fade into a shade of purple; and although you were meant to be in by 6:00 it was 6:15 and you were still playing because it was light enough for no one to be worried.

You can almost feel it. Freedom, Happiness. Those care-free summer days when there was really nothing much to worry about except enjoying life and sneaking a  Mr Whippy from the ice cream van down the road before dinner without getting caught. Those were good days. Those were good vibes.

Now maybe this is only me but I love music that makes me FEEL, takes me back, gives me that feeling of freedom. Those vibes I had when I was a child are then relived through music. Those memories are inside my headphones and all of my worries melt away like one of those Mr Whippy ice cream's. Anyway, back to the Parma violets. They were one of my favourites, me and my friends especially felt like grown-ups eating them because they kinda resemble pills. You can guess what imaginative kids like us did with our "pills" we were addicted. That's how music makes me feel. I get lost in a song, play it on repeat over and over until my ears feel happy. I'm addicted to that sweet, liberating feeling that music gives me. Those sweet tunes always bring the good vibes! and that's what I'm gonna do too!

On this blog I'll be sharing, new songs, artists, and album reviews that will make you want to dance and reminds you of sweets in the summer. So please stick around, keep reading and pleeaase follow and share my blog! The more good vibes we spread the better! Hope you love what's about to go down!

Miriam xx